PostgreSQL setup

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This tutorial will walk you through the steps of how you can set up the PostgreSQL environment with necessary libpsql libraries needed to connect to PostgreSQL database with C.

  1. First step is to go to and download the corresponding PostgreSQL installation for your system. Assuming 64 bit from further on.
  2. Install PostgreSQL into C:\PostgreSQL. (Can be anywhere, however Dev-Cpp does not seem to work well with paths that have spaces.)
  3. Assuming you are using Dev-Cpp, you now have to add the library and included directory paths to the IDE. Go to Tools->Compiler options->Directories. In the Libraries tab add a new directory "C:\PostgreSQL\lib" and in the C Includes tab add a new directory "C:\PostgreSQL\include". Then in the Tools->Compiler options->General add the -lpq argument in the bottom textbox (can be either one really).
  4. Copy libpq.dll file from the PostgreSQL installation directory (C:\PostgreSQL\lib\libpq.dll) to C:\Windows\System32.
  5. Go to and download the zip file. Extract and in there you should find 'bin' folder with two files inside: libiconv2.dll and libintl3.dll. Rename libintl3.dll to libintl.dll. Copy/move them both to C:\Windows\System32.
  6. In your C file add #include <libpq-fe.h>.
  7. Try compiling.
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