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Welcome to the wiki for the SoC Design course! We started this series of labs/projects in 2014 and we are upgrading and fixing problems every year to make it better.

Slides for the introductory presentation are available here

Learning Objectives

After the completion of the labs, you will be able to:


  1. Make Linux kernel drivers: Write a simple kernel driver for controlling a simple IP (intellectual property) on ZedBoard.
  2. Build custom SoC (System-on-Chip) on ZedBoard:
    • Create a simple SoC with Vivado from existing IPs
    • Build a custom embedded Linux system to run on the SoC
    • Using custom kernel drivers to control the IPs in the SoC
  3. Create custom IPs:
    • Development of simple custom IP from VHDL code
    • Integrate the IP into the SoC using AXI bus
    • Control the IP from Linux using custom driver
  4. Build a simple audio processor system
    • Complex system integration
    • Preparation for course project



  • Component reuse and system improvement
  • Functional test and analysis
  • Work in a team

Requirements for Taking the Labs

For these labs we assume that you have basic knowledge of the following:

  • C language <- This is a must!
  • Digital Systems Design
  • Embedded Systems Programming

Lab Organization

Important dates

  • Week 2: Lab 1
  • Week 3 ... week 5: Lab 2
  • Week 6 ... week 9: Lab 3
  • Week 10, week 11: Lab 4
  • End of week 15: Project Deadline


Lab Grading Policy

  • Tutorials (Pass/Fail - prerequisite for project)
  • Project (50% of the grade)
  • Examination (50% of the grade)

In order to pass the course, you have to get a positive result in both the project and the exam.

You cannot finish the project without passing all tutorial labs!



Rules and Regulations

For your programs, please follow the coding style: [LINK]

Please read the following page before you start the course:

Timing and Plans

Please note that the project's (strong) deadline is on the last lab session, no extension will be made!

General Rules

  • Unplugging any cables from the lab computers is NOT ALLOWED! If you use your own computer, please use Wi-Fi.
  • It is OK to discuss your code with colleagues during the labs.
  • Copying a colleague's code is not OK! You need to write your own code.
  • You must understand the code you write! We will check that you do!

When writing Code

  • The first thing your code MUST do is print out your name, otherwise you are not allowed defend the lab! Kernel modules should print your name when they are inserted.

(This requirement only applies for code that you have modified or written yourself)

Have in mind that you or someone else might want to reuse your code!

  • Use comments in your code. Even you, as the author of the code, may not understand it in the future.
  • Write a proper doc-string for the functions. It makes your life and of others much easier.
  • Use meaningful variable names. A variable named "counterMaxValue" is much easier to understand than one for the same purpose named "cMNum", for example.

In Case of Problems

Please use the following methods in the following order for solving your issues:

  1. Check the current lab's additional materials.
  2. Re-read the lab manual to make sure you did not miss anything.
  3. Google your problems
  4. Ask the lab assistants for help.

NOTE: In case you find a problem with the documentation, please tell the assistants. Then we can fix the problem and everyone will be happy :)

Lab Results

You can view you current lab results and statistics here

Contact Us

In case of any questions, please contact us:

Madis Kerner


Lab Tutorials

Here you can find lab manuals for the tutorials:

Additional Material

Additional reading materials and more information about the labs can be found here:

Lab Specific Information

General Information

Audio Mixer Project

Zedboard icon.png

Design project is defined in each round for System on Chip design(IAY0550) students with the aim of providing them with real world experience of working on a SoC project, teamwork and project management. This wiki will serve as a platform for students to pass-on their designs and documents to students in the next round of course. Full description of the project can be found on the Project Description page

Using Own Computer for the Labs

You can find some information about using your own computer on the Using Own Computer page.

Please note that using any other computer than the ones in lab is not officially supported. The information on this page is not checked by the lab supervisors and might not be up-to-date and might not work! We recommend not to rely your course progress on getting the systems running on your personal machine and use the lab computers!

However, if you decide to follow the instructions on the page, please let us know about the problems you encounter, so we can update the manual for the benefit of other students.



The project code should be stored in git. Every component of the project should be uploaded as a separate branch.

There exists a dedicated Github repository for the course, that can be accessed here: [1]



Design project: