March 4, 2025   [14:20]

our staff

Kalle Tammemäe
associate professor emeritus

Raja 4C
12616 Tallinn, Estonia
Office: ICO-525
Tel: (+372) 6285 850


Kalle Tammemäe is associate professor of IT College (ICO), School of IT, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia.
Kalle Tammemäe graduated TalTech five year study program in Computer Engineering (CE) in 1981. Since then his career has been connected with TUT, starting as computer engineer in Dept. of CE, moving gradually to more research and teaching related positions.
In 1993 he had research scholarship at Darmstadt University of Technology Dept. of Microelectronic Systems, Germany. In 1995-1996 he worked as guest researcher in Electronic System Design Lab, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden.  At that time he found challenging topics for his future research – Hardware-Software Co-Design (HSCO) and obtained PhD degree with thesis “Control Intensive Digital System Synthesis” in 1997.
He was elected to assistant professor position at TalTech in 1997 and to associate professor position in 2000. His main research and teaching topic then were HSCO, Embedded System Design and synthesis using High-Level Hardware Description Languages (VHDL).
In 2000 Kalle Tammemäe was elected to rector’s position of brand new higher education institution – Estonian Information Technology College. He was re-elected and continued administration of institution until the end of 2010 when he was invited to rector’s team of TalTech. He was fulfilling the responsibilities of Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs of TalTech till end of 2013. In beginning of 2014 K. Tammemäe returned to researcher career at TalTech Department of Computer Systems.
Since 2018 he is Director of TalTech IT College (former Estonian IT College which was merged with TalTech in 2016).
K. Tammemäe is Senior member of IEEE (member since 1996, current membership in CS and Education societies),
and Senior member of ACM (member since 2000). He was a chair of IEEE Estonia Section in years 2013-2016. He has been involved in many higher education and ICT education related working and action groups in Estonia.


Research Interests

  1. Self-Aware Systems: Learning, inference, prediction, introspection, attention, anomaly detection
  2. Hardware-Software Co-Design (HSCO)
  3. Hardware Description and Synthesis languages (VHDL)
  4. Networks-on-Chip, Systems-on-Chip
  5. Reconfigurable Systems: FPGA, soft processors
  6. Embedded Systems Design: dependability, HCI

Research related activities

  • Co-organizer of SelPhyS(Self-Awareness in Cyber-Physical systems) workshop at CPSWEEK 2016, Vienna, Austria; at CPSWEEK 2017, Pittsburgh, USA; in Aston University, Birmingham, UK in 2018; in TU Munich, Germany in 2019 
  • Reviewer/member of PC: NorChip, NorCAS, CODES-ISSS, Journal of SP Systems, NORCAS, DDEECS, FPGA4GPC, Baltic Electronic Conference (BEC), MICPRO journal, various MDPI journals, etc.
  • ReCoSoC 2016 Publication Chair
  • MOBIHEALTH 2017 Workshops chair


List of publications: Estonian Research Portal


Embedded Systems (IAS0330)
Basics of Embedded Systems (IAS0230)
System-on-Chip Design (IAS0550)

Topics for Bachelor and  Master thesis 

  • (Bachelor): Human perception of a device introspection. The "mood" indicator of the Cyber Physical System
  • (Master): HW or embedded system implementation of various inference and anomaly detection algorithms (Bayes, HMM, HTM, ESN, DLNN)
  • (Master): Numenta HTM model learning algorithm HW implementation on Graphics Processing Unit (e.g. Nvidia CUDA, Mali™-450 GPU on Ordroid-C2 one-board-computer)
  • (Bachelor/Master) Varia: ESs and CPSs using controllers and boards of Microchip, ARM Cortex, Xilinx, Raspberry, etc.

Blog (in Estonian mostly)

  1. "Miniatuurne märgvara", avaldatud Arvutimaailma veebiväljaandes 10. aprillil 2018
  2. Eneseteadlike süsteemide ajastu (2014, Estonian)
  3. Nalletroonika (hobi)


Blood donor AII Rh+: 65 times (2024)