Pico CPU: Synthesis
Lab objectives
In this lab we synthesise the CPU on FPGA and write a memory mapped I/O in VHDL and write a calculator with it.
Lab Tasks
- download the CPU code form here!.
- download the top level entity from here!
- download the debouncer for clock debouncing from here!
- download the seven segment decoder from here!
- synthesise the design on Nexys 3 board in Xilinx ISE using UCF file from here! here is a guide for ISE.
- download your design on the board using this guide.
- check if everything works together. you should be able to see the contents of ACC on the seven segment display.
- now you need to write a memory mapped I/O controller that reads the switches of your board!
- write a program that gets commands(add, subtract, and, or,) from 4 most significant switches and data from 4 least significant switches
- build a calculator using these commands.
- submit your report!
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