Welcome to IAY0340 Labs!

Before we start

Important part of this lab is to first read through the General instructions which should consist of all important notes about lab class, how to access the programs at home, coding conventions, defense of the lab and report requirements. Attending the lab means that you have agreed to the letter of commitment (so please read it carefully).
Important Note: Please make sure you read Jiri Gaisler's "A structured VHDL design method". This document would be used as our coding reference throughout the labs.

Important information

Please send your reports to Peeter, Behrad and Hardi. E-mails can be found under contacts.

Please send all Reports in PDF format.

Also answer questions in your report. Questions can be found bottom of the LAB description.

Labs and important dates

Lab No Lab Description Preliminary Readings Week Number Date
0 Test Lab (Optional) -- 01 or 02
1 FIR filter -- 03-05
2 FIR filter in SystemC -- 06
3 Pico CPU: Writing the behavior Model CPU Intro 07-09
4 Pico CPU: Verification and Comparison -- 10-12
5 Pico CPU: Synthesis -- 13-15
6 Spice (Optional) -- 16

Grading Policy

The following is the budgets for the grades in the labs:
Task Lab grade Pass requirement
FIR filter + Pico CPU 3.5 Mandatory
FIRX 1.0 Optional
Spice 0.5 Optional
Total 5.0

Attendance and labs results

Attendance in the labs are mandatory. We keep track of your progress. You can find your lab results here.